Welcome, Self-helpers
Use LawHelp Interactive to fill out court forms and other legal documents for yourself, a friend or a family member.

step-by-stepAnswer questions so we know which forms to prepare and what information to include

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helps 15 people create free legal forms using LawHelp Interactive.

helps 25 people create free legal forms using LawHelp Interactive.

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LHI can help you...
Find the right forms for your state.

When it comes to court forms and legal documents, every state is different. LHI will make sure you fill out the correct form for your legal matter.

Click Find Forms. Then click on your state to find out what kinds of forms are available in your state.

Fill out legal forms online for free.

We will ask you questions and use your answers to prepare a form that you can file. The forms are free, and you don’t have to pay to register for an account.

Complete a legal form at your own pace.

You may need to come back to finish answering questions or edit existing answers. If so, sign up or register for an account. This way we can be sure to save your place.

Fill out forms without signing up.

LHI does not require you to create an account. Just be sure to complete your form in one sitting since your work cannot be saved.

Take the right next steps.

Filling out a form is often just the first step. LHI can tell you how to sign and file your form, and more.

Sign Up
Which type should I pick?